

Since I yesterday was unable to find an MP3 player that would work with Linux I finally had to hop to work to format the damn thing. On my way to work I called Antti and asked if he would be interested in going for a cup of coffee. As luck would have it he was free in the afternoon so we decided to meet at Cafe Java at half past three. I arrived to work and talked some with my co-workers and asked about some things that I was unable to finish before my vacation started. It was nice to see them. Anyway, I got the damn thing formatted and music copied to it. Signed some papers that required my signature and sent an SMS to my boss when he was going to be present. But no reply so I left.

Arrived in a bit of advance to the meeting so I went flower shopping but found nothing. Got a few hinters as to what I could be getting according to my criterias. After that I went to Kirjatori where I picked up three books: Peter Lodenius's Bushin uusi maailma - syntyykö imperiumi, Vandana Shiva's Voiko tietoa omistaa? and Entäs jos... Vaihtoehtoinen Suomen historia. When I'll read them I have no clue.

Antti arrived a bit late since his dentist appointment had taken longer than expected and he was in a bit of pain. We went to Kamppi up to the trendy cafe up on the fifth floor where we sat and talked over a cup of coffee for about an hour. After that Antti wanted to go and buy something so we went through Kamppi center without finding anything. At all. We ended up in a flower shop where I bought a flower. I don't know what it is called but it has colored leaves. I call it a SciFi flower as it looks like something that would be found in the 60's and 70's B-rated SciFi shows planet scenes. Think Startrek and the SciFi literature of that time.

Todays link is about generating .htaccess and .htpasswd files. Found it to be quite convenient for my purposes :)

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