I've mentioned Snusnu in the posts here. Who is Snusnu? Snusnu is Snusnu. Why is Snusnu Snusnu? Well. We talked about Futurama once and the episode with the Amazon women :) Death by snu-snu. Snusnu camef from that. What is Snusnu? Snusnu for me is the worlds most kindest person who I can call and talk to about things on my mind and I will get an honest answer. Snusnu takes care of me when I have a hard time. Without Snusnu I would be lost.
Snusnu was here today. We talked. I liked it. I like when Snusnu is here. Makes me calm. Some people are like that.

I got three roses from my grandmother when she visited me two weekends ago. Sadly I had to leave for Sweden and when I came back they had bloomed and after the weekend they were dead. What a pity. I would have liked to look at them a little bit more. I've never understood roses until now. Some people say that roses have a nice smell. Maybe. I just like the way they look. Somehow those three roses in the vase were just .. perfect. Estetically very pleasing. I should get some roses so that I have something to enjoy.
Last weekend at my grandmothers place in the archipelago it was quite a cold

night so the sea turned into this very beautiful fog which rose up. Combined with the sun which was shining from a blue sky and the outline of the threes just created a very nice and pleasing view. I had to take three pictures. Sadly one of the pictures was ruined by a phoneline which runs along the road. Oh well. Sometimes the scenery just talks for itself.
During my parents party I noticed an old clock. An grandfathers clock which wasn't running. I guess that was to keep the sanity of the guests. It was however very fitting for the occasion.

Some say that when you get older you start to see things from another point of view. The best years of your life is not when you're 20, 30, 40 or 50. It is when you turn 60 and you're having your retirement years ahead. I'm 33. Do I feel old? No. Do I feel childish? At times. Which certainly can be seen at work sometimes. It is lucky that I work with people that understand humor and that at times there needs to be humor as otherwise there would be no "fun" in the work which you do. Am I scared of the future? Yes. When my cousins were here visiting we talked alot about the older generation, my grandmother and my grandfather (which I never got a chance to remember, I did probably see him but can't remeber it) and my older cousin said that you don't grow up until your parents have died and you are left alone so to say. This scares me a little bit as when my parents are gone all family I will have left is my sister and her family. Maybe this will happen tomorrow or in 20-30 years. Maybe I will have another perspective of life then and be more grown up than now. I hope not.
If Snusnu was here Snusnu would say "Stop worrying. You think too much.". I know, I've heard it before =)
Thank you Snusnu.
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