The time of darkness is upon us once more. For some reason the summer always seem to pass very fast. Suddenly you can notice that hey, it's warm, the days are longer and brighter but you really don't pay attention to it (except in the night when it can be too bright outside and not getting any sleep - atleast I'm one of those). Then suddenly you're turning on lights and lamps inhouse because it is so dark. Nature is retreating and displaying its own firework for us to wonder and look at. Fall must be on of the more nicer seasons. Going from a bright, green and warm world towards and dark, rainy and cold season with streetlamps reflecting in the pavement the light in puddles or dark forests damp with rain, where not a sound can heard. What is more nice then to curl up in the sofa under a blanket, drink something warn whilst listening to the thundering roar of the storms raging outside whilst reading a book in the candle light. Or to do the exact opposite. Go out to the sea and feel the storm against your face and the water drops splashing against your face from the rain and the storming sea. In it lies a cruel coldness that is part of life, the cold grip of Nature after her caressing gift of summer. She gives and she takes. It is part of the natural cycle of life and time. Soon all will be sleeping under the cold white blanket only to wake up to a new season of life.
It's been a few days since the last posts, largly to me being quite busy. On Thursday evening I went to Turku to attent Introduction of IS which turns out to be an interesting course. Got on the evening bus home, being home around midnight. Got 6 hours of sleep, packed my bag and went to work. Went from work directly to Turku and attended another course called Education technology which I hope will be usefull at work. Already gave me some ideas for training sessions. Spent the night in Turku at my cousines place and almost suffocated as she has two dogs and I'm allergic. Zyrtech didn't help. The next morning back to class and at around noon I left with the old RPG players to Helsinki. We arrived to my apparment at around two and we had something to eat and talked alot until around two in morning when they went back to Turku.
Now I'm just feeling tired. Good that there will be no more trips to Turku for a month until the next meeting with the teachers and students for discussions. Next week Jyväskylä is calling. Markus said he would come and visit next weekend which would be nice. Haven't seen him for ages.
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