On blogspot you can describe yourself, that is tell, who are you. But who are you? My Queen (yes, you know who you are (no pun)), answered the question with .. quite a long answer. Look at yourself in the mirror. Is that really you? And who is you? Is who you are defined by your actions? Or your name? Or how you interact with other persons?
Father was here one day visiting and we put a the bedroom lamp. I know of the relationship parent or father child or mother child. But what do these titles mean other than that they describe a relationship between two persons. Who are these persons anyway? Yes, they have taken care of you for 18 years and most likely looked after you even since then making sure that you have everything that you would need. But who are they? Or are we just so customed to these mother and father people that we just go with the flow without thinking about it. We know the relationship between the father/mother person but then what?

I was thinking about my grandmothers. The one passed away 10 years ago. I know who she was as we were quite close (we children were the most important to her). I was thinking about my other grandmother whom I remember lying in bed taking a nap. Looking at her there sleeping I wondered, who is she really? I know her from my years as a small child (as I spent all summers with her and my cousins) but still she manages to suprise us (she told us she still considers herself lucky that she was chosen by our grandfather, one person whom I've never had a chance to know, sadly, he seems to have been such a wonderful person from what I've heard). I know that I will miss her when she is gone. As I still miss my other grandmother.
We can sit in a bus full of strangers and not notice them other than when someone sitting next to you, leans over and says "Excuse me, I'll be getting off" and you stand up and let them pass. We are surrounded with people who we do not know and who for the most of the time do not know themselves either.
Ask someone who they are and they will tell you their name or how they relate to you. But who are they?
So really. Who are you?
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