After the breakfast there was an hour before we docked. We bought tickets for the bus to Centralen where I had agreed to meet P. The first bus turned out to be full so we had to wait for the second. As we were driving in towards the center we somehow managed by some dum luck pass all the places that people wanted to visit. After we got out of the bus it took about a few minutes before P arrived. I gave him a courteous hug (although I would have wanted to give him so much more) and introduced the team. We walked towards the places people wanted to visit and after a while we had lost everyone and went to sit at a café. We had some coffee and caught up on what had happened in our lives since we last had seen (which was over a year ago since our August meetings no longer will take place I guess). Time is flying when you're having fun and soon we had to leave for the meeting with the others at Sture plan and we arrived a little bit early. Soon enough everyone was there. We departed P and hit the subway and managed to take the wrong train. We ended up changing subway at Tekniska Lekskolan and switched again at Östermalm to a train which took us to Gärdet. From there it was a short walk to the terminal and the boat where we continued our meeting until 18 when we had a glass of champagne. After that we hit the cabins and immediatly went to the buffet which turned out to be quite filling (actually too filling).
After the buffet everyone was more or less too tired to do anything. I went to sleep at around 10 while the others continued until midnight. Woke up in the morning around four or five, coughing like crazy. Went to the toilet so that I wouldn't disturb the others and threw up at the same time. Burning sensation in stomach the the contents in the bowl were red so I guess that means an ulcer or something in the line with that.
The morning was a repetition of the other ones. Breakfast and then we packed the bags and left the ship after the boat had docked. The taxi was waiting and soon enough we were on the way back to work. The day was quite slow and so I left at 15 back home with my stuff. Took a shower once I got home a read the newspaper. After that I hit Itäkeskus and Eurokangas to pick up my drapes which were ready.

The next day was the company christmas party in the evening so I stayed at work until 18 when I left with my coworker and some other towards the place where we were supposed to be. Arrived a bit late because turned out Putin was leaving at the same time so all the roads were closed and the traffic was jammed. Thank you for that :)
The food was excellent, the people were nice (and quite drunk - and some where .. quite gorgeous). Talked to Mikko (for the first time) and turnes out he if from Oulu so no wonder he is a nice person. He might return there though to continue with his master level studies once he graduates from his present school ,which is not so nice. I hanged around talking and mingling with people until one in the night when I walked into the center and took the tram home. Fell asleep at two after having talked briefly to josu which also left for bed. Goodnight little one.