Against all good judgement I went on a biking tour today. The goal was to bike to work and see how long it would take. However my muscles were not in shape after yesterdays longer trip so I had to cut it short, some 1.5km before work (mainly due to some bad decisions about the route). Now my ass hurts like I've been assraped or something. Damn seats that have to so small and hard.
After I came home I talked to Veltsu (he is extremly against the idea of coming to visit here to Helsinki - and there is always the financial situation of a student so it is understandable), hit the shower and went to Capri for a pizza and beer (the proper way to loose some weight yes).
Talked to Peteris also. He's been on his trip to Rome. Would've liked to hear more about it but he was busy. Atleast he has his humor left when I asked what to do with his passport photo that he gave me in Riga. The options what to do included putting it in the bookshelv and loose it or use it for target practice :)
Seems I managed to insult some people also today. This mailing list for the swedish speaking HBT community in Finland has lately gotten quite a lot of feminist messages. I do not think feminism has anything to do with sexuality, but rather equality between the sexes. So yes, lesbians, party until you drop dead, don't care :)
Todays link? Hmm...screw it.